Juan Antonio López

Juan Antonio Moya, born in Hospitalet de Llobregat (Barcelona, Spain). In 2015 he graduates 'with honors' from the Escola Superior de Música de Catalunya (ESMUC).

In February 2017 Juan Antonio performs as a solo guitarist at the Auditori de Barcelona (Sala Pau Casals), accompanied by a cobla formation (a traditional music ensemble of Catalonia), a jazz trio and pianist / composer Joan Díaz, performing works by Bill Evans. This project he previously performed with well-known guitarist Niño Josele and the Cobla Sant Jordi.

In 2018 he publishes his first album "Bordón Negro" which he presents at the Auditori de Barcelona. He has won several awards as a guitarist, participating in the international flamenco competition in Seville, in the ... (pon el nombre de la competición) in l'Hospitalet de Llobregat, at the Niño Miguel Festival in Huelva and at the Miguel Borrull Festival in Barcelona.